Digital Marketing Manager

Digital Marketing Manager

Departemen - Digital Marketing
Level - Midle Management
Location - Mustikajaya, Bekasi
Type - WFO (on-site)
Work Hours - Mon-Sat 7:30-17:00
IDR 10.000.000-11.000.000/month
Siapa adalah perusahaan yang memproduksi berbagai macam produk dari bahan stainless steel ataupun metal lainnya yang berbasis di Cimuning, Mustikajaya, Bekasi.

Visi kami adalah menjadi superbrand dibidang manufaktur berbagai macam produk stainless dan besi dari indonesia yang amanah kepada Allah, kepada customers, berkualitas baik dan mendunia 🇮🇩- - 🌏-

About your responsibilities for the role

Sebagai digital marketing manager di, pada dasarnya peran utamamu hanya 2

pertama mengelola semua funnel digital marketing dari mulai strategic planning sampai ke eksekusi.

kedua memimpin & develop tim digital marketing agar eksekusi berjalan sesuai target waktu dan budget yang tersedia.

pecahan dari 2 peran utama tersebut :

  • Comprehensive strategic planning untuk Digital Marketing Activation mulai dari SEO, SEM, sedikit sosial media dsb.
  • Mengelola dan develop tim digital marketing berikut sistemasinya.
  • Analisa data & kinerja campaign serta analisa pasar & target market.
  • Mengelola marketing budget dengan efisien & efektif.
  • Mengelola semua output konten digital. Mulai dari image, text ataupun videos.
  • Kolaborasi lintas departemen untuk mencapai tujuan bersama.
  • Ensure over-delivered of all marketing performance, and agreed sales goals.

Requirements :

  • Educational background : Diploma or Bachelor's degree of any fields or subject. (actually we don't really care about your educational background as long as you have experiences and competencies required for this role).
  • Working experiences : 4+ years experience in lead or managing digital marketing.
  • Leadership skills with the ability to set and prioritize goals.
  • Creative, innovative and outside the box thinker.
  • Solid knowledge of digital marketing and it's up to date change's. including SEO, SEM PPC, e-commerce procces, effective landing page etc.
`✍️ Apply Here!
Proses perekrutan di career @ menyeleksi semua pelamar murni berdasarkan kemampuan dan kualifikasi untuk setiap posisi yang dilamar

Bagi kami kemampuan atau competency terdiri dari 3 hal :

1. Attitude.
2. Skill.
3. Knowledge.

Skills & knowledge can always be improved through learning procces. but attitude takes years to be fixed.
Data Privacy & Security Policy :
  1. the entire recruitment process is free, please do report to us if you find illegal fees in the recruitment process
  2. In order to maintain your data privacy and security, we won't ask you about :
  • Your exact date of birth. Please don't mention your exact date of birth in any of your CV's or portofolios. instead we only need your year of birth to validate you meet our age requirement.
  • Your biological mother name.

3. How we use your personal information :
We ( use personal information for the following purposes:
  • to communicate with you and respond to your requests or application
  • for recruitment, evaluation, background screening and hiring purposes.
4. How we protect your data :
  • We ( has implemented appropriate organizational measures designed to protect your personal information against any data abuses. we won't share your personal information to other parties.
  • And if you apply through job portals, your personal information is on their (job portal) responsibility.
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